Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Love Makes Life Worthwhile

i just completed a series of physical therapy sessions.  these exercises are intended to help strengthen my neck and upper back so that i can correct years of poor posture that have led to a loss of flexibility in my neck and an inability to stand erect.  some of my problems are the result of inherited spinal problems but most result from laziness.

my physical therapist is a kind man who is sincerely concerned for my well-being.  he is adept at being both understanding and demanding.  i can tell that i have improved with his guidance and hope that i will be consistent in continuing the exercises he taught me.  i've watched as he's worked with other clients and can see why there is improvement in those with whom he works.  i am amazed that he is able to do this work all day every day and maintain his attitude of concern and helpfulness with so many people.

as i reflect on my therapist's approach to those he treats, i am inspired to be more like him.  i want to see each person as someone who is deserving of love and concern, just as i am.  may we treasure our uniqueness while seeing the common traits we all share, realizing that we are more alike than we are different.  may we see that each person is worthy of lovingkindness and respect.  may we emulate those who show us the best ways to live our lives.  shalom.

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