i have been so focused on the difficulties of our move that i have largely ignored what is happening in our government and the difficult issues that confront us. now that my wife and i can begin to see an end to the unpacking and organizing of our belongings in our new home and as we celebrate the anniversary of our country's beginning, i'm becoming engaged with politics and governance once more. two things have captured my attention.
the first is our president's continuing attacks on the press and particularly his latest tweets on msnbc commentators joe scarborough and mika brzezinski. mr. trump's cruel remarks about brzezinski's appearance and intelligence, his belittling of their show, and the name-calling ("crazy joe," "crazy mika," "psycho joe") are unworthy of the office of president. his pattern of attacking those who criticize his policies in the most personal, and often untruthful, ways is contemptible. moreover, they are dangerous to our democracy. mr. trump encourages those who choose reportage that reinforces their own preconceived beliefs and who refuse to examine facts that are presented to them in an unbiased way, labeling any news that contradicts their point of view as "fake." without a free and vigorous press, our democratic values cannot survive.
the second issue that is worrying to me is the ongoing push to repeal the affordable care act and replace it with legislation that will be harmful to millions of people, including those with serious medical conditions, the poor, children, and the elderly. the callous posturing of the leaders of the republican majority in congress who have relentlessly portrayed the aca as a complete failure and their indifference to the suffering their replacement legislation will cause demonstrates their lack of concern for ordinary americans and their desire to further enrich those at the top of the economic ladder at the expense of everyone else. we are fortunate to have several republicans who have opposed their efforts and refused to go along with the legislation put forward in the senate. now mr. trump and some republican legislators have suggested that the aca be repealed with no replacement adopted in its place, a move that would throw health care in the usa into a panic that will cause further suffering. the republicans have painted themselves into a corner with their constant campaigning to repeal "obamacare" and are incapable of taking the more reasonable and compassionate route of tweaking the existing legislation to make it work better.
one can only hope that those who voted for the present regime will regret what they have done and take a different course in the mid-term elections and the next presidential election. may we resist those in power who threaten our institutions like the free press. may we vote for a more compassionate and reasonable government when we have the opportunity. may we condemn rhetoric from those in power that belittles and insults those who question their policies and actions. may we return to civil discourse that respects opposing points of view. shalom.
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