what we've hoped for has happened. donald trump has been defeated in the presidential election, and joe biden will become our next president. in the two speeches he made last week, he spoke of his vision of a country where we could work together even when we disagreed, a country where those who had other views were not our enemies but rather our fellow americans, a country that embraced and honored our heritage and our diversity, a country where all were respected regardless of their skin color, ethnicity, gender identity, or religion. he spoke of the leadership of abraham lincoln, franklin roosevelt, john f. kennedy, and barack obama and how each had called us to become our best selves at crucial times. he spoke of the work ahead: controlling and defeating the corona virus, building a prosperous future for every person, providing quality affordable health care for all, and ending systemic racism in our society. he called on us to refrain from demonizing those who disagree with us. rather, he implored us to allow our "better angels to prevail."
these were speeches of conciliation and optimism. they asked us to put aside the rhetoric of division, to stop pitting one group against another, to see ourselves as one people, to listen to each other again rather than shouting over one another. as people celebrated in the streets of many cities after the election was called in biden's favor, there was a sense that a dark period was coming to an end. americans let off pressure that had been built up during the trump presidency and expressed our relief that the noise, the hatred, the constant controversy emanating from the white house were soon to be no more.
mr. trump has a few more weeks to press his lawsuits and conspiracy theories. he may take actions that are dangerous for the country, but he can't reverse the decision of the people to turn him out of office, and any actions he takes can be undone once the new administration takes office. one thing the voters did not do is give mr. biden's administration power to act precipitously in making decisions about the laws and programs which affect our lives, since the democratic majority in the house of representatives was diminished, while the senate will probably still be controlled by a razor-thin republican majority that will be a check on too-hastily-conceived legislative initiatives. if anything is accomplished it must be through compromise and cooperation, and mr. biden is a master of those skills. if the senate remains under republican control, let us hope that the republican senators will see that those who elected them want progress that can only be achieved by a willingness to work with their democratic colleagues and with the new president.
may we move forward with a resolve never to return to the dark days of trumpism. may we conquer the demons that were unleashed during trump's presidency. may we listen to and learn from our scientists and health care experts. may our new president be successful in seeing his vision for our country brought to fruition, and may we all share that vision. shalom.
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