after four very long years, donald trump is out of washington and removed from power. it is wonderful to awaken each day without feeling the need to check the news reports to see what crazy thing he has done or is planning to do. it seems that each day some new revelation comes to light about his abuses of his office. as if his attempt to pressure officials in georgia to subvert the will of the people of that state and the invasion of the our nation's capitol by an angry mob at his urging were not enough, we have now learned that he sought to turn the nation's justice department into a tool to advance his bid to stay in power despite having lost both the popular and electoral college votes. there seems to be some evidence coming to light to suggest that he knew of the plans to take over the capitol in advance of the rally he held just before the insurrection, though no definitive proof has been found to date.
the contrast between trump and president biden is stark. it was refreshing to hear mr. biden say that he and all government employees are the servants of the people of the country, including those who did not vote for him, and that scientific evidence, not wishful thinking and falsehoods, would guide efforts to confront the pandemic that is threatening all of us. when his new press secretary addressed the white house press corps and took questions from them, it was wonderful to see and hear that she had respect for the free press and would use her position to inform the american people through the news media rather than viewing those reporters as "enemies of the people," as had been the case during the trump regime. there is something comforting in mr. biden's manner and in his words, and it seems that those he has chosen to be a part of his administration will echo his tone and style.
it is like waking from a terrible nightmare to witness the change in our national discourse, to see an end to the constant chaos, bitterness, and attempts to divide us and scapegoat those who are not white and native-born. no longer will we move from crisis to crisis, without a president who invents new ones to distract us from the former ones. our problems are being confronted honestly, and solutions are being sought by listening to the views of many rather than imposing the views of one man on the whole of government. if the tears in our national psyche can be mended, joe biden is the person to lead us to the necessary repairs. his first words as president called on us to work with him to come together despite all our differences.
may we turn from enmity and division. may we see that our strength is our diversity, embracing and honoring those who are different from us. may we put aside partisanship and listen to one another. may we take the words and actions of the president as our example. shalom.
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