i had planned to write about an entirely different topic this week, but the situation in which the world finds itself right now occupies my mind more than anything else. i think of so many things arising from the covid-19 pandemic. i think of the suffering of those who have died from the virus and of their families. i think of the fear in many of our hearts from possible infection with the virus. i think of the strain that this has put on our health care workers. i think of the incompetence and the unpreparedness of our government to deal with this crisis. i think of the effects this has had on our economy. i think of all those who have been deprived of their livelihoods because they are unable to work, some because their employers are unable to keep their businesses open, others because they themselves are ill, others because they must stay home from work because of the infection of a loved one, still others because they must be home to care for their children whose schools have been forced to close. i think of the isolation of those of us who are older and need to avoid being out and about. i think of the thousands who were jammed into airports as they returned to the country from abroad because of the failure of the government to think through its hasty travel ban. i think of those who are imprisoned in crowded conditions where the virus can spread rapidly, or those who are being held as illegal migrants under the same conditions.
a blog could be written about each of those circumstances. at a time when the populace needed a clear plan for dealing with the situation and government actions that inspire confidence, we have been given confused and confusing pronouncements, decisions by presidential whim, and wild conspiracy theories. it's no wonder that financial markets are in turmoil and that we are all fearful. we have an executive branch where science is held in suspicion and in which many of the most competent health care experts have either been dismissed or have fled a government which ignored their advice. its infuriating that the most able health care leader in the government has had to go to the public with correct information that contradicts what the president is telling us.
the most able leadership seems to be coming at the state level, as governors from both sides of the political spectrum have taken actions to lessen the spread of covid-19, closing schools, sports events, and public venues, it is from our statehouses that have come the greatest reassurances to the public, even as the president attacks the governor of washington state where the virus first infected large numbers of people. in our small state, our republican governor has acted quickly and wisely to inform the public, relying on and praising the state's health care leadership. schools have been closed, and the state government has moved quickly to compile information on the number of those infected and to reach out to various parts of the state to see how widespread the infections are.
there is so much suffering, and it is deeply troubling that the wealthiest nation on earth is so unprepared to alleviate the suffering. instead of devoting our resources to make tests for the virus readily available, president trump and his administration are blaming a "foreign virus" and those who live in other countries for our situation. instead of encouraging actions that would lessen the disease's spread, we are being told that this will soon pass, and some are even encouraging our population to go out to eat and drink to support the entertainment industry, even as some states are forcing restaurants and bars to close. the president continues to shake hands and come in close physical contact with others instead of setting an example by exhibiting recommended safety precautions.
all we can do in the face of this ignorance and incompetence is listen to those who know best and following their advice. perhaps the best way we can alleviate some of the suffering caused by this pandemic is to keep ourselves healthy insofar as we can and to encourage others to take the necessary precautions. in the next election, one hopes that we will have the wisdom to elect leaders who believe in science and who put the welfare of everyone ahead of their own personal gain.
may we each do what is best in the face of this terrible situation. may we remember that the entire world is suffering and fearful. may we see our common humanity, realizing that this disease affects rich and poor, people of every color and religion, young and old, male and female, recognizing no boundaries. may we learn from this catastrophe, so that we are better able to deal with the next one. shalom.
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