the pandemic seems to go on forever. we live with the restrictions is has imposed on us and long for a return to what life was like before it struck. we tire of wearing masks every time we go out. we long to be able to shake hands, hug, and to sit and stand near others, but we know that we endanger ourselves and them if our personal contact is too close. we want to be able to sing in choirs and in our church services, to attend concerts, to take part in group activities, but we know all those pursuits are dangerous. we wish we could travel, going away to see loved ones or to see sights we've never visited before, but we are fearful that we might be a party to spreading the virus or might become infected.
we watch as our leaders fail us, refusing to take the tough actions that would slow the spread of the disease. we fear for the safety of school employees and students as schools reopen for in-person learning despite the warnings that this will cause the virus to infect staff and children unnecessarily. we see how our health care facilities and those who staff them are overwhelmed and wonder what will happen when they must deal with both influenza and covid-19 at the same time. we weep for those who are jobless, who cannot pay their bills, who are being forced out of their homes, and who cannot feed themselves and their loved ones, as some in the government block efforts to assist them in the belief that providing financial assistance will make workers lazy. we shake our heads in disgust and amazement as the advice of experts is ignored or contradicted by some in power to promote their own re-election and financial gain.
it seems that this whole affair has been bungled from the start. our leaders refused to take the hard actions required at the beginning and rushed to end the meager steps that had been taken. we've dithered as the virus became rampant and, even when we knew that we needed to take drastic actions, we lacked the national leadership that was necessary. now we find ourselves in circumstances as dire as they were at the start of the virus's spread. it is as if nothing was ever done and the virus was allowed to infect millions with little effort to stop it.
there is not much we can do as individuals, other than take the precautions needed to keep ourselves safe. we can hope that in november there will be a change in the national government that may bring about a nationwide effort to improve our situation and can work towards that end. we can offer help to those who need it. beyond that, we are at the mercy of the virus and those whom we've elected.
may we do what we can to make the best of the situation. may we be filled with lovingkindness and compassion. if we and our loved ones are free of the virus, may we be grateful that we have escaped so far. beyond that, may we be grateful for all that we have. may we share our bounty with those who are struggling. shalom.
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