Tuesday, January 2, 2024

That Kind of Fool

i missed blogging last week because we had a house full of company for christmas.  it was hard to find a moment to myself to write.  i've decided to do more of a journaling blog.  so here is my first of these attempts.

this morning i listened to a talk by one of my teachers on the insight app.  in it, he talked about intentionality, of how we make a choice either to live with the intention of controlling our minds or to choose to let life happen and react to it.  as he talked about happiness, i realized that i'm happier than i've ever been in my life.  life is easier than it used to be.  i find joy in the little moments that crop up in my life.  i am more helpful to others, especially to my wife.  it's fun to do the necessary chores around the house, not because they have to be done, but because they make our lives more pleasant.

i find, too, that my wife is happier.  she doesn't fret as much about not having time to do everything that needs to be done.  she can do what she can one day, leaving the rest for another day, without worrying that she couldn't accomplish all she intended.  she goes to bed with a sense of accomplishment and looks forward to what may be accomplished when she awakens.  our lives together are more a partnership than they were in the past, and we rejoice in them.  may our happiness in our marriage continue.  

may others see the joy we find in life.  may it be our intention to control our minds rather than allowing our minds to control us.  shalom.

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