Tuesday, July 16, 2024

I Want to Be Happy

when i went to bed last night, i reflected on the day i had completed and the happiness it brought me.  there was nothing extraordinary about yesterday.  we had a late breakfast, shopped for groceries, saw a new movie at the local theater, and spent the rest of the day watching old clint eastwood spaghetti westerns.  for supper, we had some delicious hamburgers made from beef patties i had grilled earlier in the week.  it was just one of those unhurried, relaxing days that seem to come too seldom.

i thought about how simple pleasures and chores can bring us happiness.  spending the day with my wife was so pleasurable, as the day made few demands on us.  i suppose happiness is something we choose, not something that happens to us.  our son's partner is a happy person who always has a smile on her face.  her attitude towards life is positive and contagious.  we see how her happiness has infected our son and their new daughter, who, like her mother, has a quick smile even at under four months of age.  we know that her smiles are reflections of her parents.

i have made it my intention to give thanks at the end of each day for the day just completed, remembering the joy it has brought me.  may we each see the little events that contribute to our happiness and be grateful for them.  may we see that adversity can be a source of joy as we learn and grow from the opportunities life brings us.  may we begin each day saying, "today i am fortunate to have awakened.  i have a precious human life."  shalom.

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