a few nights ago my wife and i watched the "debate" between president biden and the "other guy," as president biden calls him. we were disturbed by the president's seeming frailty. his voice was failing. he had some difficulties stating his case. he stumbled over words. his eyes often looked weak and unfocused. for the first time, we saw him as an old person. he seemed ill and shouldn't have been on the stage.
we were more disturbed by trump's constant stream of lies. he spoke of a country that we don't see around us, describing the usa as a failed nation, filled with crime and poverty. certainly we have our share of both, but we see a prosperous nation, where most people are happy and living fulfilling lives. we took issue with his constant belittling of the immigrants coming to our southern border, whom he characterized as thugs, criminals, rapists, and insane. while we don't condone their attempts to enter the country illegally, we understand that they do this to make better lives for themselves and their families. all the hispanic immigrants we know are hardworking, kind people who are willing to take on the most menial jobs and constantly seek to improve themselves and provide for their children. trump's characterization of these immigrants is unjustified and flows from his racist beliefs. he wants to use them as pawns in a cruel political game that shouldn't be tolerated in a free society.
we took issue with almost every feature of this unfortunate event. the moderators treated trump with a deference he didn't deserve. they didn't challenge his many lies and his refusal to answer the questions put to him. the format didn't allow ample time for intelligent responses from the two candidates. how can complex questions be answered in a two-minute time slot? how can countless lies be refuted in a one-minute response? the "debate" didn't seem to be designed to inform the watchers nor to allow the single honest candidate to be at his best.
the talk by some pundits and politicos of replacing president biden as the nominee of the democratic party is deeply disturbing. he has already been chosen by voters in state primaries leading up to the democratic convention. he has a proven record of accomplishment during his first term. he brings the wisdom of a lifetime of public service to the office. he has earned the nomination, and i believe that in the end this poor debate performance will be a blip in the campaign for his re-election and that the american people will see him and his opponent for what they are: one, an honest, wise, and sincere public servant; the other, a liar, criminal, and racist whose only interest in enriching himself and feeding his ego.
may we choose wisely when we vote. may we not be taken in by the bravado of a television personality and failed businessman. may we choose lovingkindness over a veneer of bluster and lies. shalom.
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