one of the things that i'm trying to understand is my own reactivity, the idea that the actions of others and the circumstances of life are not the cause of my suffering. rather my suffering is caused by my reactions to these actions and circumstances. when someone says something to me that causes me hurt, it is not their words that hurt me. it is my reaction to those words and the stories i tell myself about the person and the reasons for their words. when things go wrong, life is not out to get me. i allow myself to blame external events for painful feelings in my mind.
i've been trying to notice these reactions that cause my suffering and interrupt the stories that accompany them by analyzing what's going on inside myself. it's not helpful to blame what's outside me for my internal responses. as i do this more and more, i find myself less likely to be judgmental or to slip into a mental funk. i'm not always successful, of course. yesterday, i was a little under the weather, and my reactions to many of the events of the day were negative. at the end of the day, i felt badly about my failure to deal with the day's events in a more skillful way. still, i was able to set those feelings aside and accept them as natural. when my body was achy and tired, it's not surprising that my mental state was not up to par either.
today is a new day, and i am grateful that i have another opportunity to practice living with greater acceptance. the day is not mine to control, and the way it goes is not dependent on external factors. my internal life is under my control if i live mindfully, taking time to take note of my reactions to those things that are beyond my control.
may each of us learn to recognize our own reactivity to the stimuli that act on us. may we not waste our energies assigning blame. may we deal with the vagaries of life skillfully, reasonably, logically, rather than allowing our reactions to create new problems when we could be solving existing problems. may we see life for what it is, not what we want it to be. shalom.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
All the Planets in Their Turn Confirm the Tidings
one of the things that i feel more deeply now as i know that most of my life is behind me is the interconnectedness of all things. from the tiniest particle of matter to the tallest mountain, everything is a part of the vast universe, and that universe enters into all its component parts. i don't dream of heaven but of returning to the earth to nourish and replenish it. i hope i'm not entombed in some watertight container that keeps what remains of my body from contact with the soil that surrounds it. rather, i want my body to be burned and scattered so that i live on in the soil that nourishes life.
the self that i have so long protected is a creation of my mind. the "real me" is not the collection of thoughts and stories that run through my brain. we are all parts of something much larger, of that creative consciousness from which everything arose and to which everything returns, continually arising and returning. if there is a God, all of creation is a part of that great mind which inhabits all that is. nothing is ever lost, only changed, transformed, as our bodies are in death. we have always existed, only in different forms, parts of one another and the universe.
to return in another body, to try to get life right the next time around would be lovely. second chances are wonderful gifts. but if that's not how things work, to become part of the earth, to nourish new life, is lovely, too. may we each find our place in the grand scheme of things. may we see our connection to everything else. may we be part of the environment, not set apart from it. may we honor the majesty of creation by loving ourselves and others as part of the mystery of life. shalom.
the self that i have so long protected is a creation of my mind. the "real me" is not the collection of thoughts and stories that run through my brain. we are all parts of something much larger, of that creative consciousness from which everything arose and to which everything returns, continually arising and returning. if there is a God, all of creation is a part of that great mind which inhabits all that is. nothing is ever lost, only changed, transformed, as our bodies are in death. we have always existed, only in different forms, parts of one another and the universe.
to return in another body, to try to get life right the next time around would be lovely. second chances are wonderful gifts. but if that's not how things work, to become part of the earth, to nourish new life, is lovely, too. may we each find our place in the grand scheme of things. may we see our connection to everything else. may we be part of the environment, not set apart from it. may we honor the majesty of creation by loving ourselves and others as part of the mystery of life. shalom.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
For the Beauty of Each Hour
my wife has gone with her sister to visit her sister's daughter and her family, leaving me at home alone. this morning as i ate breakfast, i left the door leading onto the deck open so i could look out across the back yard at the trees with leaves that are already turning. we've had an unusually mild summer, with lots of rain in june and the first half of july and cool temperatures in august and on into september. as a rule, the colors of fall are not in evidence until late october in this part of the country but this year the maples and dogwoods are already changing color and losing their leaves. the other trees haven't begun to turn but they can't be far behind.
looking out at the beauty of nature, i began to think of many things: the controversy between God being in control of every detail, like when we have an early fall, and what is called "divine Providence," the idea that some unseen hand set nature and motion and left it to takes its often random course; the question of what we used to call "global warming" and now call "climate change" being the result of human abuse of the atmosphere or part of a natural cycle that is inevitable regardless of human action; whether or not our mild summer, early fall, and the destructive storms during this hurricane season are caused by climate change or random events unrelated to the larger question of our changing atmosphere; of how so many along the gulf of mexico are suffering as a result of these storms while we in our area are relishing the cool weather we've enjoyed over the past several months.
i wonder why we are wasting so much time debating the cause of warming temperatures on our planet. even the climate change deniers can't question the temperature measurements that demonstrate that the earth is steadily warming. we know that continuation of this warming will cause worldwide catastrophes. the sea levels will rise and low-lying islands will disappear. coastal cities will flood. arctic and antarctic ice will melt, destroying the ecosystems of humans, plants, and animals. the permafrost is disappearing, releasing huge amounts of methane and carbon dioxide, causing large swaths of frozen tundra to become unstable, and releasing disease-causing organisms that had been frozen into the atmosphere and ground water. regardless of the cause of this warming, there are steps we can take to slow it, if not halt it altogether. why not take those steps?
of course, the main reason for our failure to address the impending crises is economic. more money can be made in the short term if we ignore the earth's warming. we can continue to pour greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, we can continue to blow the tops off mountains to extract the coal to burn in our power plants, we can continue clearing land to grow crops and to make the riches of the rain forests more accessible, and some will get richer in the process. more concentrated wealth in the hands of a small number of people won't be worth much to them if their beach homes are washed away by the rising tides and they and their children are infected with diseases that were dormant until the melting arctic ice released them. wealth won't do much good if the ecosystems that produce the food we eat are destroyed by flooding and drought and verdant farmlands become vast deserts.
whether one is a "God-is-in-control" fundamentalist, a "divine-Providence" deist, or a "we-have-to-figure-it-out-on-our-own" atheist, there are clear choices to be made. either we take steps now to save our planet or our race will not survive on this planet. the science fiction writers who saw visions of humankind lasting into the distant future only by abandoning a once-green earth will not be writers of fiction, but prophets. i'm grateful for the pleasant summer and early fall. i'm sorry that so many people are suffering from the hurricanes that have destroyed their homes and livelihoods. the future is more important than my transient emotions. it's time to put aside futile debates and take action.
may we do all we can to stop the destruction of our planet. may we contribute to causes that protect our environment. may we elect leaders who have the courage to address the causes of our present situation. may we stop denying science in order to enrich ourselves. may we do what we can in our individual lives to mitigate the causes of climate change, and may we do so with courage and compassion. shalom.
looking out at the beauty of nature, i began to think of many things: the controversy between God being in control of every detail, like when we have an early fall, and what is called "divine Providence," the idea that some unseen hand set nature and motion and left it to takes its often random course; the question of what we used to call "global warming" and now call "climate change" being the result of human abuse of the atmosphere or part of a natural cycle that is inevitable regardless of human action; whether or not our mild summer, early fall, and the destructive storms during this hurricane season are caused by climate change or random events unrelated to the larger question of our changing atmosphere; of how so many along the gulf of mexico are suffering as a result of these storms while we in our area are relishing the cool weather we've enjoyed over the past several months.
i wonder why we are wasting so much time debating the cause of warming temperatures on our planet. even the climate change deniers can't question the temperature measurements that demonstrate that the earth is steadily warming. we know that continuation of this warming will cause worldwide catastrophes. the sea levels will rise and low-lying islands will disappear. coastal cities will flood. arctic and antarctic ice will melt, destroying the ecosystems of humans, plants, and animals. the permafrost is disappearing, releasing huge amounts of methane and carbon dioxide, causing large swaths of frozen tundra to become unstable, and releasing disease-causing organisms that had been frozen into the atmosphere and ground water. regardless of the cause of this warming, there are steps we can take to slow it, if not halt it altogether. why not take those steps?
of course, the main reason for our failure to address the impending crises is economic. more money can be made in the short term if we ignore the earth's warming. we can continue to pour greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, we can continue to blow the tops off mountains to extract the coal to burn in our power plants, we can continue clearing land to grow crops and to make the riches of the rain forests more accessible, and some will get richer in the process. more concentrated wealth in the hands of a small number of people won't be worth much to them if their beach homes are washed away by the rising tides and they and their children are infected with diseases that were dormant until the melting arctic ice released them. wealth won't do much good if the ecosystems that produce the food we eat are destroyed by flooding and drought and verdant farmlands become vast deserts.
whether one is a "God-is-in-control" fundamentalist, a "divine-Providence" deist, or a "we-have-to-figure-it-out-on-our-own" atheist, there are clear choices to be made. either we take steps now to save our planet or our race will not survive on this planet. the science fiction writers who saw visions of humankind lasting into the distant future only by abandoning a once-green earth will not be writers of fiction, but prophets. i'm grateful for the pleasant summer and early fall. i'm sorry that so many people are suffering from the hurricanes that have destroyed their homes and livelihoods. the future is more important than my transient emotions. it's time to put aside futile debates and take action.
may we do all we can to stop the destruction of our planet. may we contribute to causes that protect our environment. may we elect leaders who have the courage to address the causes of our present situation. may we stop denying science in order to enrich ourselves. may we do what we can in our individual lives to mitigate the causes of climate change, and may we do so with courage and compassion. shalom.
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
As in Our Daily Life We Struggle to Be Human
i can be very arrogant. too often i witness the actions of others and think, "how wrong, how mistaken, this person is. if only this person would do things as i would do them, life would be easier for them." i create little stories in my mind of the way other people should behave and long for control of their lives, as if i have the answers while they proceed in ignorance. this is something i work on constantly, and i hope i'm having some success in understanding myself better.
when these thoughts pop into my mind, i'm trying to be aware of what's happening. i can't just tell myself that i'm mistaken, because this attitude of mental superiority is ingrained in my psyche. instead, i have a little conversation with myself, telling the "me" in my head that i'm doing it again, recognizing that i might be right about the wrong-headedness of others while reminding myself that they are not mine to control. it might just be that i am wrong and they are right, that i can only live my own life, that i have no claim over the lives of others and the actions they take.
since i've begun to remind myself of my lack of control over others, indeed of the time i waste thinking about how others should live their lives, i've discovered that i'm much happier and have better relationships with those who have to put up with me on a daily basis. it is enough to try to make right decisions about my own life and how to live more skillfully without trying to manage how others live their lives. this is not to say that i won't intervene if others are doing harm to themselves or someone else, but i have to recognize the possibility that they could be right and i could be wrong. maybe their decision is the best one for them, but it won't hurt to have a discussion about other courses of action as long as i admit my inability to control what others do and deal with my arrogance in thinking that i have the answers to their problems.
may we be honest with ourselves, recognizing our shortcomings. may we deal with them in compassionate ways. may we not condemn ourselves for our failings, rather may we be mindful of how to live more skillfully through awareness of the stories we tell ourselves and how those stories affect our relationships with others. may mindfulness bring us peace and greater respect for others. shalom.
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