over the past week, we've witnessed the unraveling of donald trump's presidency. the revelations by michael cohen in court and the conviction of paul manafort on multiple counts would have been enough to bring about the forced resignation of former presidents, and yet trump continues in office, insisting that he is blameless. amazingly, most elected officials in his party have either defended him or taken a wait-and-see position. the mueller investigation continues, and trump continues to wage war against it and his own attorney general.
the rest of us wait for the next shoe to drop. will donald trump, jr., be indicted? will weisselberg, the trump organization's chief financial officer, reveal involvement in russian business dealings that undercut trump's assertion that he is not beholden to any russians? will trump pardon manafort? will the republican red wall that supports trump hold? when trump became the party's nominee, a republican friend of mine asked in disbelief, "surely, he won't be elected?" i told him that i feared that he might but would be amazed if he remained in office for all of his term. like many, i hope that my prediction is correct, though i don't think vice-president pence will be any better as far as policy issues are concerned. in a pence presidency we will see the continuation of the inhumane treatment of undocumented immigrants, including those who have spent most of their lives here, the isolationist trade and diplomatic policy, the racism, and the inflicting of draconian measures directed at the poorest members of our society.
one can only hope that the mid-term elections will send a clear signal that the majority of americans reject the direction that the country has headed under trump and displeasure with him as president. if the election results are mixed or supportive of trump, i fear we are doomed for many years to come and will go our own way in defiance of the rest of the world and at the expense of the most vulnerable within our borders.
may we repudiate trump and his policies. may we elect new representative and senators who put the well being of the country ahead of partisan politics and their own desire to continue in office. may those who serve have the courage to denounce wrong, even if the denunciation is at the expense of their own chances of re-election. may every american vote for candidates who will serve all the people, not just the wealthy. may this country be a "sweet land of liberty" once more. shalom.
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