Tuesday, February 14, 2023

All the Things That Really Matter

we all have those weeks when everything moves non-stop.  we rush from one thing to another, and things just don't seem to go the way we want them to.  this past week has been one of those weeks for me.  problems that should have been easy to solve evolved into complicated rigamaroles.  despite my best intentions, i found myself running in many different directions and becoming increasingly frustrated.  as i look back on the week, i see that much was accomplished.  difficulties that weren't resolved are headed in the right direction.  the coming week should move at a much slower pace because i don't have as many responsibilities to shoulder.

as i reflect back on the past week, i see that i let my busy mind have too much control.  i didn't step away from the demands that it made on me.  i was living too much in the future and not enough in the present.  old patterns are hard to stop.  our minds tell us that, in order to accomplish much, we must rush through each day with the expectation that everything will be perfect.  when the perfection that we demanded of life is absent, we are frustrated, and life becomes a series of small complications that add up to large stresses.  much of this is our own doing.  instead of accepting what is and doing our best with it, we demand what should be and are frustrated when that is not what is. 

even now, as i write, i am thinking about the future.  i know that there are others things that i want to do, so i rush through the present in order to get to the future.  when that future becomes the present, i will most likely be looking toward what comes next.  i stop and watch as my mind tries to slow itself down.  i pause and let go of plans and what comes next.  my fingers slow down as i type the letters that form the words.  right now is what is important.  the future will arrive and become the present whether i think about it or not.  i stop and take a sip of coffee, relishing its warmth and richness.  i enjoy it without gulping it down so that i can complete this task and move onto the next.

may life be a series of moments to be treasured.  may we not allow the rush of life to interfere with what is right now.  may we not ruin the present by dwelling on what comes next.  may we learn the art of acceptance and let go of the need to control.  may our minds be at peace and our hearts filled with lovingkindness.  shalom.

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