i am deeply disturbed by the controversy over president biden's age and the drumbeat of "important" people calling on him to step down as the democratic party's nominee for the next election. here is a man who has spent most of his life in public service, who has demonstrated competency in his work, and who brings years of wisdom to his job, yet his age disqualifies him from continuing as president, according to many elected officials and hollywood stars. now, bowing to the incessant talk about his infirmities, he has stepped out of the presidential race. many of us are saddened by his decision but understand why he has made it and wish him and whoever succeeds him as the democratic nominee every success in defeating donald trump.
the arrogance of those who decry his ability is representative of the ageism that many people harbor. as one who is only a few years younger than president biden, i experience the assumptions about me as i go about my daily life. i appreciate their kindness as they open doors for me or offer to assist me with heavy loads. i know that when people offer to help me, they do so out of a genuine desire to be considerate because of my obvious age. still, i can't help feeling resentful when they assume i am incapable of doing things for myself simply because i'm "old."
perhaps i don't have the stamina or strength i once had. maybe i have trouble finding the word i want to use from time to time. my hearing isn't all it used to be. still, my mind is nimble. i work at learning new things. i read voraciously. i can do all the tasks of daily life. i take care of my yard, and working together my wife and i keep our home clean and cook our own meals. there is little i'm unable to do now if i want to. it may just take a little longer.
may we respect those whose years have filled them with wisdom and knowledge. may we not assume that advanced age is a handicap. may we honor those who have given their lives to make things better for others. may we accept our limitations but not allow them to define us. shalom.