Monday, October 4, 2010

I Waited for the Lord

We continued our travels today, driving into the beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains as we drove from California into Nevada.  The air turned crisp, water rushed down the mountainsides in a beautiful cascading stream, autumn colors appeared in the few deciduous trees in the forest.  My wife drove, and I acted as "navigator."  The other two couples with whom we are traveling, all family members, sat behind us.  My wife and I spoke little, except for the necessities of communicating about driving directions, and yet there was a profound connection between us.  We both sensed that words to express our feelings about each other did not need to be spoken, amidst the conversation of the others in the car, that there was a deep, abiding love which required no spoken confirmation.  At the same time, I felt a deep peace, one that has been with me now for several weeks.  I have luxuriated in this peace since I began to approach God through silence and take time at the beginning of each day to simply wait on God.  Even as I write tonight, I am filled with this incredible peace.  Why has it taken me so long to arrive at this place?

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